Acolyte Armor Kit V2 (available soon)

img 2928 med-61

The Acolyte Armor kit: The most accurate armor set inspired by the Sith Acolyte from SWTOR ever made for production. Made from the super detailed sculpts by Mynock's Den, this 64 piece armor set is painstakingly produced in White ABS (.09 and .06 gauge), resin cast, laser cut and 3D printed detail/accessory parts. 

Assembly guide can be downloaded here.

IMG 2832
IMG 1311
IMG 1310
IMG 1312

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Q) Is this armor ready to wear? 

A) No. This is a build-it-yourself kit that comes as a collection of vacuum-formed parts that will need to be trimmed, assembled, and painted. The kit also contains a number of resin, foam, and 3D printed pieces that do not require trimming. The complete list of parts can be found inside the downloadable assembly guide here, or at the bottom of this page.

Q) Does the kit come with mounting hardware?

A) No. People's preferences and requirements for strapping armor vary widely. To keep costs down, mounting hardware is not included, though the Assembly Guide does provide some recommendations.

Q) Does the kit come with any soft components?

A) No. People's preferences, requirements and budgets for soft components vary widely. To keep costs down, soft pieces of the costume are not included. To see what is included in the Acolyte kit, scroll down to the “Parts List” section below. 

Q) Is the helmet included? 

A) No. The helmet is not included and can be commissioned separately from Mynock’s Den. Contact Mynock’s Den through the “Contact Me” section of this website, or on Etsy here.

Q) What is the height range this kit can accommodate?

A) The kit was designed to fit people between 5’6” and 6 feet with minimum modification. Shorter individuals may find it necessary to trim their pieces beyond the recommended trim lines. Taller people may experience larger gaps between armor plates (especially between the abdomen and chest plate). 

Q) Is the Jedi-inspired version of the kit available? 

A) The Jedi-inspired kit will be available again late summer or 2022.

Q) Will you sell individual pieces? 

A) Yes, not right away, but as we get the flow of full kits going out, we'll put up individual pieces and/or parts 'sets' i.e. Arm kits, Leg kits etc.

Q) Will you be offering finished kits? 

A) No. With the nature of needing to trim and fit the kit to each person like any other armor kit, it isn't cost effective for us to offer finished kits.

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Parts List

Pauldron (x2)

IMG 2664

Chest Plate (x1)

IMG 2680

Elbow Plate (x2)

IMG 2676

Lower Bracer (x2)

IMG 2666

Upper Bracer (x2)

IMG 2663

Upper Bracer Rocket (x2)

IMG 2671

Upper Bracer/Thigh Dummy Clasps (x4)

IMG 2673

Hand Plate (x2)

IMG 2675

Hand Greeblie (x2)

IMG 2674

Foam Claw (x6)

IMG 2662

Knuckle Plate (x8)

IMG 2660

Thumb Plate (x2)

IMG 2661

Belt (x1)

IMG 2678

Belt Pouch (x2)

IMG 2677

Belt Canister (x1)

IMG 2672

Cod Plate (x1)

IMG 2679

Front Thigh Plate Set

IMG 2668

Front Thigh Greeblie Set

IMG 2683

Rear Thigh Plate Set

IMG 2667

Shin Plate (x2)

IMG 2659

Shin Plate Dummy Clasps (2L, 2R)

IMG 2670

Calf Plate (x2)

IMG 2669

Complete Foot Plate Set

IMG 2684

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Below are some photos of the Acolyte kit set up on a mannequin. 

IMG 2936-1
IMG 2928-1
IMG 2933-1
IMG 2937-1
IMG 2938-1
IMG 2939-1
IMG 2935-1
IMG 2934-1
IMG 2940-1

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